Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:
Vocals: Ozzy
Lead 1 (square]
Vocals: Back
Lead 8 (bass + lead]
Guitar: Zakk
Overdriven Guitar
Guitar: Zakk
Overdriven Guitar
Bass: Bob
Acoustic Bass
Drums: Randy
Guitar harmonics
I'm sick and tired of you ex cu ses, Can't deal with liv ing an y more _ I'll give you rea sons to con tin ue While you lie writh ing on the floor _ I'll wash a way your lies and have you hyp no tized _ _ They'll be no comp ro mise to day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'll share your life of shame I think you know my name _ _ I'll in tro duce my self to day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'm the de mon al co hol De mon al co hol, I'll get you _ Ha, ha De mon al co hol, De mon al co hol, Let's par _ ty De mon al co hol, De mon al co hol, Ha, ha De mon al co hol, De mon al co hol, Let's par _ ty If you could deal with your re flec tion I'm sure you'd see in to my eyes _ There'll be no need for re sur rec tion, Let's drink to peo ple of lies _ _ Al though that one's too much, you know ten's not e nough _ _ They'll be no comp ro mise to day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'll watch you lose con trol, con sume your ve ry soul _ _ I'll in tro duce my self to day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'm the de mon al co hol, De mon al co hol, I'm sick and tired of res o lu tions, You've quit me time and time a gain _ Don't speak of su i cide so lu tions, You took my hand, I'm here to stay _ This time it's you or me, I'll ne ver set you free _ _ They'll be no comp ro mise to day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ So sa tis fy your lust, Too much can't be e nough _ _ I'll in tro duce my self to day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'm the